Centro Bilingüe Internacional Amigos
Friends International Bilingual Center
"It is better to receive good instruction than riches."
"Mejor recibir la buena instrucción que las riquezas."
Address/Direccion: Zona Miraflores, Avenida Hugo Estrada, Nro. 78. Oficina 406, Piso 4, la Paz -Bolivia
Upcoming Events
Registration for events and activities is according to the schedule established per semester.
Events and activities within the different programs of the Friends International Bilingual Center may vary depending on the duration of the courses, workshops and seminars

Children's Teacher Workshop
“Godly Play & Faith and Play"
We invite you to participate in our "Workshop for Sunday/First Day School Teachers". This workshop is also appropriate for anyone who enjoys working with children. In this workshop we will introduce and build an understanding around the texts "Godly Play" and "Faith and Play". In this workshop we will be working with a variation of the Montessori Method adapted especially for religious education which supports, challenges and guides children along their spiritual quest. This workshop will take place at the Friends International Bilingual Center at the following time and date: March, July, September
Children's Workshops
Project: The water Biosandfilters for peace and justice
“ God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”
( Genesis 1:31a.)
This project invites children between the ages of 7-12, including teens to participate in a series of educational and productive workshops over the course of four months. These workshops will give participants a chance to reflect on their feelings and opinions around how we care for our environment and planet Earth. The children will participate one Saturday afternoon each month in on heart and hand on workshop.
Workshop on the Environment
(Virtual and Face-to-Face Modality)
Teenegers and young people are invited to participate in the Workshop "LOVING PLANET EARTH - LOVING EARTH". This workshop consists of meditation to make participants aware of Climate Change and environmental problems on our Planet Earth. This workshop gives them the opportunity to reflect on how they can help to prevent the climate change and to make decisions for change from oneself and as well as in the community in order to take care of the Earth.
Sessions in 2022 (One workshop per month).
For more information and registration, contact 67835394.
Email: centrobilingueamigos7bo@gmail.com
Alternatives to Violence Program (AVP) Workshops
“Understand the power that transforms lives ”
You are invited to participate in our Alternatives to Violence Program community workshops! AVP workshops help us to find ways to mediate violence, because as we know, anger and conflict are inevitable parts of our daily lives. In response to this reality, AVP workshops teach us a new form of conflict resolution, a peaceful one. Our AVP workshops here at the center are open to the community as a whole, anyone and everyone is invited and encouraged to participate. Our workshops will be held on the following dates:
Basic AVP workshop on April 7, June 15 and 16, September 28 and 29
Advanced AVP workshop on November 9 and 10
Facilitator AVP worshop on December 8
The registration cost for each workshop is 35 Bs, this includes food and certificate. Partial scholarships are available for multiple participants from the same family or for participants in need of financial support. Space is limited so we encourage you to register and confirm your participation before registration deadline.
English, Ayamara, Quechua and Spanish Courses
Have fun while learning a language!
Various courses geared toward each level of English, Aymara, Quechua and Spanish language capability (Basic, Intermediate and Advanced) will be open for inscription beginning in March and August.
​​Regular Program: 2 classes per week (3 hours)
Accelerated Program: 3 classes per week (6 hours)
Our English courses are suitable for children, teenagers, and adults alike.
Specific English language services offered:
Seminars on Oral English Expression
Seminars on Written English Expression
TOEFL Exam preparation
Preparation (Academic Counseling) around studying abroad in the United States
Translations of Materials for First Day School
Click here to download the translated version of John Woolman
"It is better to receive good instruction than riches."